Monday, January 31, 2011

The Marlo Chronicles, Part 8

Marlo is almost ready to come home to us.  She is eating veggies now, flying all around and exploring the world.  We can't wait!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Date Night, Archer Party, More Snow

Wednesday was date night and our monthly Our Hit Parade show.  We had dinner at Room Service Thai first, a place we commonly order from on  It was awesome.  We took a little break before heading over to Joe's Pub.  The show turned out to be probably the best OHP we've seen together.  There was slush on the sidewalk when we went in but when we came out there was about a foot of snow.  It was a beautiful winter wonderland.  We trudged through the snow to Pieces with our regular gal pal from OPH and had a great night.  This was perhaps the best of many fabulous date nights.
Thursday night was our Archer season premiere party.  Gregori and Kristos came, and Greg, and Kevin's friend, Chris, and a few others.  It was nice to share our home again and with mostly all new people.

Kevin has been sick the past few days but has been an amazing sport about keeping all our plans.  He's a much better sick person than I am (ie less whiny).

The kitties have now been here a week.  Mary Jane loves playing "football" so much and we're all enjoying each other's company tremendously.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fatty & Emjay, Surround, Industry, Mark the Nurse

We have become obsessed with getting deliveries so were very happy when our new surround sound system arrived on Wednesday. Kevin immediately started installing, of course. Several hours (and drinks) later, things were pretty much in place.

Thursday we went to MySuit to get Kevin fitted for a cool new suit. Then we had dinner at Cafeteria with his friend, Carmine. Later we went to The Showt party at Industry Bar where we ran into Damon. At midnight, the Queen drag show featuring Shequida was a lot of fun.

I woke up Friday to find out I was "in a relationship" with Kevin (in the Facebook world). That was a nice surprise. It was also a big day as we rented a zip car and brought Fatty and Emjay (Kevin's five year old cats) to live with us. Then settled in nice and we played all evening after Kevin went to work.

Saturday night went to Pieces as usual. Gregori and Kristos eventually made their way there to join us.

Sunday we stayed in as it was frigid outside. Kevin set up the new bedroom TV.

On Monday night I had dinner and hung out with Mark the Nurse who is in NYC visiting. We had dinner at Vinyl, stopped by Posh for a hot second, then some drinks at Barrage before heading back to the apartment to hang.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Marlo Chronicles, Part 7

I visited Marlo on Long Island on Sunday. She took her first flight on Thursday. In the video below, you can see her fly and make her very first turn.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Loving Apartment, Not Falcons Season Ender

We have really been enjoying the redecorated apartment since our party.  It's hard to believe it is the same place I lived in for eight months pre-Kevin.  My work space (see left) is so much more organized and efficient now. 

Sunday we went to Giovanni's show at Stonewall, then went back there later for Invasion@Stonewall with Porsche, who was fabulous.  She talked a lot about Fire Island and we just booked a trip there for early June.  Anyone who sings Tammy Wynette's "Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad" has to be cool, right?

Monday night we attended Musical Mondays at Splash and had a blast.  I finally got to meet Chris Green.

On the downside, the Falcons were crushed on Saturday night in an embarrassing home playoff loss.  This is not how I thought the season would end.  It's too bad the team put in such a poor effort.  I didn't stay down for long though going to Rock Band Karaoke at Pieces and seeing Kevin.   Damon joined later and my spirits were lifted by the time we arrived at home.

Keep two of my aunts in your thoughts - Lorene and Maggie - as both are not doing well. 

All in all, I'm just so thankful at how quickly things turned around for me, and for being in such a happy place of late.  I don't see it changing any time soon.

Friday, January 14, 2011


We had a great date night on Wednesday with Jake, Allison and Erin. We totally pigged out at Five Napkin Burger than to Pieces. Last night was our housewarming party and it was so much fun. We put so much work into it, especially Kevin. I continue to be blown away by his talent.  It was great to have so many of our friends in our home.  I'm not sure how we fit them all!  I'm looking forward to more parties here in the future.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Home Depot, Dancing, Karaoke, More Home Depot

Got a lot of stuff at Home Depot on Saturday. Of course Kevin started assembling/installing/building/decorating immediately. He is so adorable when in this mode! Well, all the time actually. :) Visited Marlo on Sunday (see the latest video in the previous post) and spent Sunday evening doing more interior design, listening to "Game Change" and then watching the first several episodes of The West Wing. We are going to watch the entire run of 154 episodes and I'm wondering when we will actually finish.

Our housewarming party is only two nights away and there is still lots to do but all the major purchases have been completed and we're in the home stretch. The apartment radically changes every day and it has been so much fun.

We're gearing up for another blizzard tonight so we may be snowed in tomorrow.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Marlo Chronicles, Part 6

Took an early train out to Long Island on Sunday to visit Marlo. I can't believe how much she grows and learns week to week. Her feathers are all in now and she is exploring her entire universe. She loves to climb. Watch the latest installment of "The Marlo Chronicles" below.

Friday, January 07, 2011

A Wonderful Start To 2011!

This week has been a lot about IKEA! After Tuesday's shopping extravaganza (see last post), Wednesday and Thursday were spent assembling. Okay, Kevin assembled and I watched, drank, ate and hung out. Does that count? Damon came over Wednesday night to hang and have pizza. Kevin and I have been listening to "Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime" which is completely fascinating and takes me back to the 2008 Presidential election. I lived and breathed it at the time and this fills in much of the backstory.

I decided to get rid of one of the two bird cages and put it on Craigslist for $100.  There were no takers so I added it to the "free" listings.  I got 20 emails in the first 30 minutes.  We rolled it outside our door to the hallway and someone was there to pick it up in record time.  The living room actually has room now!  I've learned holding onto possessions from the past, even related to the birds, does nothing positive for me.  So I let it go along with a lot of other stuff stored here that wasn't being used or served no purpose.  The apartment finally feels like home and is looking better by the day.  I owe this to Kevin.

Last night we saw "Gruesome Playground Stories" at Greg's theater and then went to The Ritz for drinks and dancing.

I'm catching up on some things tonight and Kevin is working his usual shift at Pieces. I will try to visit Marlo on Saturday if the weather allows.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Best IKEA Day Ever

I don't know what it is, but Kevin makes shopping seem like the best thing ever. Once again we had a blast shopping today, this time at the IKEA in Brooklyn. I rented a Zipcar and we drove out to Red Hook. Beautiful views and we had lunch there looking at the city out the large windows. We bought everything on our list and much more. The apartment is undergoing a major renovation before our housewarming party next Thursday. I can't wait!

Monday, January 03, 2011

The Marlo Chronicles, Part 5

Holy bird!  Marlo is growing up way too fast already. :)  She almost has all her feathers now and her tail has grown in.  She is very curious and loves climbing although she can't always balance.  She still stares at solid food but she's close to figuring out how to eat it.  She's also flapping her wings a lot and soon she will discover she can get some lift by doing that.  I left the visit wtih three scratches on my arm from her climbing around.  She is more adorable than ever.  I hope you enjoy the latest video below.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Awesome New Year's!

Everyone I love in New York was able to go to Pieces for New Year's Eve where Kevin had to work. It was so much fun to be with Damon, Greg, Mike along with Steve, Rob, Giovanni, Jake and more.

But best of all, of course, was the fabulous midnight kiss. Yay! Life is beautiful. Can't remember a better New Year's Eve.

Managed to stay up until 4:30 and then I was beat.  Arranged to see Marlo that day so needed to get a tiny bit of rest before making the trek to Long Island.  More on that later.

I'm so thankful that life has become this wonderful things again and I feel like myself finally.  Things are going amazingly well with the new living situation and the future is as bright as my New Year's photo with Kevin (see left). :)