Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Beastly 41

After having a cold this week and working long hours and being crazy busy at night, my actual birthday was pretty low key--just what I wanted and needed. We did have a bit of fun in the early afternoon riding on The Beast, a tourist boat where riders get much wetter than we realized! It goes from Pier 88 to the Statue of Liberty and back with the driver intentionally swerving to try to splash people. It sort of felt like an amusement park ride. I'm sure we were the only non-tourists there. It's great that Kevin appreciates living in New York City as much as I do and wants to do things like this.

The evening was spent finishing 30 ROCK (we watched all five seasons in a relatively short amount of time) and Charlie's Angels on the Sleuth Channel! Go Farrah!

Looking forward to Fire Island on Thursday. I need a vacation!

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