Friday, January 07, 2011

A Wonderful Start To 2011!

This week has been a lot about IKEA! After Tuesday's shopping extravaganza (see last post), Wednesday and Thursday were spent assembling. Okay, Kevin assembled and I watched, drank, ate and hung out. Does that count? Damon came over Wednesday night to hang and have pizza. Kevin and I have been listening to "Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime" which is completely fascinating and takes me back to the 2008 Presidential election. I lived and breathed it at the time and this fills in much of the backstory.

I decided to get rid of one of the two bird cages and put it on Craigslist for $100.  There were no takers so I added it to the "free" listings.  I got 20 emails in the first 30 minutes.  We rolled it outside our door to the hallway and someone was there to pick it up in record time.  The living room actually has room now!  I've learned holding onto possessions from the past, even related to the birds, does nothing positive for me.  So I let it go along with a lot of other stuff stored here that wasn't being used or served no purpose.  The apartment finally feels like home and is looking better by the day.  I owe this to Kevin.

Last night we saw "Gruesome Playground Stories" at Greg's theater and then went to The Ritz for drinks and dancing.

I'm catching up on some things tonight and Kevin is working his usual shift at Pieces. I will try to visit Marlo on Saturday if the weather allows.

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