Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Beastly 41

After having a cold this week and working long hours and being crazy busy at night, my actual birthday was pretty low key--just what I wanted and needed. We did have a bit of fun in the early afternoon riding on The Beast, a tourist boat where riders get much wetter than we realized! It goes from Pier 88 to the Statue of Liberty and back with the driver intentionally swerving to try to splash people. It sort of felt like an amusement park ride. I'm sure we were the only non-tourists there. It's great that Kevin appreciates living in New York City as much as I do and wants to do things like this.

The evening was spent finishing 30 ROCK (we watched all five seasons in a relatively short amount of time) and Charlie's Angels on the Sleuth Channel! Go Farrah!

Looking forward to Fire Island on Thursday. I need a vacation!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Birthday WEEK!

Kevin made a four layer slice of red velvet cake on Wednesday as part of my birthday week celebration. He also made sure I was brought on stage at Our Hit Parade last night.

Last year I spent my 40th birthday in Tennessee and had dinner at Cracker Barrel with my mama. It was one of her few good days during that 11 day trip although she was feeling bad by the time we went to bed. I woke up to a red velvet cake on birthday morning that she had cooked despite not feeling well. She was supposed to be sleeping and my brother was going to make the cake, but she got up after I went to bed and made it anyway.

To have someone in my life a year later like Kevin, who means so much to me, making the same cake is just more proof of how blessed my life is.

Life is 41!

Catching Up

Life is full and wonderful and I've hardly had time to update the blog. Here's a rundown of some of the things we've done in the past month.

April 24 - Saw "The Normal Heart" - amazing!
April 25 - Went to the Broadway Cares Easter Bonnet event and celebrated Damon's 40th birthday with his event at the Gay and Lesbian Center.
April 26 - Attended the Downsized premiere party
April 27 - Colleen Zenk at the Will Clark Show plus Our Hit Parade (the best one we've seen so far).
April 28 - Giovanni's show
April 29 - Dinner at Chevy's (finally!) and the premiere of Disney's Prom

I told you we were busy!

May 2 - Started working out with a new trainer
May 5 - Cinco de Mayo party at our place
May 11 - Love Out Loud event
May 15 - AIDS Walk
May 19 - Daytime Drama
May 23 - Sondheim Unplugged
May 24 - Damon & Truett
May 25 - Our Hit Parade (my birthday was mentioned multiple times)

In the middle of all that we've watched over four seasons of 30 ROCK and had so much fun exploring the city on walks and even just hanging in our neighborhood.

Life is great! Work is really busy at the moment but counting down the days until our Fire Island trip next week.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Marlo Speaks!

Okay, she's been mumbling for weeks now, but this little genius, not even seven months old can say pretty clearly, "Give me a kiss," and "Marlo Ryan is a good little girl." She mumbles dozens of other things which sound more like words every day. She can also answer comments like...

"Give me a kiss" - she kisses
"What do you say when you see a pretty bird?" - she whistles
"Ed, Edd & Eddy" - she sings the theme song, whistles it actually

We can't believe how fast she is learning things!